Golf Course Constructions
Golf Course Renovation
Natural Turf Surfaces
Synthetic Turf Surfaces
Racecourse Construction
Occupational Health & Safety Policy

McMahons management is committed to promoting a culture where harm to our employees at work is unacceptable. To meet this commitment the Company will provide healthy and safe working conditions for all people associated with our businesses, including employees, contractors, visitors and members of the public. All McMahons employees have a responsibility for implementing this policy by striving to achieve zero tolerance towards hazards, incidents and accidents.


In order to meet the above requirements McMahons will:


  • Demonstrate leadership and commitment through all its managers and supervisors.
  • Provide and maintain a safe work environment, including work conditions, practices and procedures for all employees and persons who come into contact with the Company.
  • Develop safety awareness throughout the group by initial and ongoing education and training of all staff, employees and contractors.
  • Take all practicable steps to eliminate hazards within the workplace through risk identification, assessment, control and monitoring to ensure continuing effectiveness.
  • Utilise McMahons OH&S system and procedures manual to set business specific standards of health and safety for all employees to follow at all times.
  • Ensure all managers, supervisors and employees are aware of and accept their responsibility to provide a safe work environment.
  • Comply with all applicable health and safety statutory requirements as a minimum.
  • Strive to continuously improve OH&S management by setting OH&S objectives, plans and performance measures and regularly reviewing progress against the targets set.
  • Involve all our people in OH&S management through consultation and by contributing to identifying, assessing and controlling hazards and reviewing health and safety performance.
  • Ensure all incidents are reported, recorded and root causes identified, and where injury or illness occurs, help our people to achieve full recovery through prompt treatment and active rehabilitation.
  • Allocate resources to meet the commitments of this Policy.
  • This signed statement of Policy will be displayed at all work locations. It confirms our personal commitment to making the Company’s workplaces safe and healthy for all our people.



Bernie McMahon
Rob McMahon



Environmental Policy
McMahon's Pty Ltd. recognises the importance of environmental protection and will comply with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to the processes and activities of the Company. It is our objective at McMahon's to cooperate with and maintain good relations with all regulatory authorities and bodies. Through the use of careful management and education, McMahon's can undertake works of a large scale nature with minimal impact on the natural environment. Throughout the years of operation, McMahon's have developed extensive operational procedures, which are strictly adhered to regarding construction and environmental impact.  By following our environmental management system McMahon's aim to reduce the environmental impacts of:
  • Construction & maintenance.
  • Emergencies & accidents.
  • Vehicle noise & exhaust emissions.
Develop attitudes & processes that result in:
  • Caring for and protection of cultural heritage places, values and landscapes.
  • Effective means of caring for native flora & fauna.
  • Protection of natural terrestrial, aquatic & marine ecosystems & threatened plant
    & animal species.
  • We believe that the protection of our physical and social environment an integral part of our business and it is our commitment to protect the environment and to provide a sustainable future for both present and future Australians.
Bernie McMahon
Rob McMahon